Kindness to all life and to yourself


Animal factory farming

We believe that humans have caused more suffering than any other species in this world. Therefore using the word 'humane" seems to be an unusual choice when trying to express ethical and good behaviour to essentially any life on our planet. Perhaps kindness to all life is a better approach and that's what we encourage and support. Animal farming causes inexcusable suffering to millions of animals around the world and we hope that one day this will be only a dark memory in our past.

Out of sight

In our busy life factory farming is deliberately kept out of our sight and for most of us buying and consuming meat is nowadays entirely disconnected from the life these animals were allowed to live. Don't let price and convenience cloud our views.

"If slaughterhouses had glass walls, the whole world would be vegetarian." - Linda and Paul McCartney -

Our Purpose

We hope to create value that can open eyes, increase awareness and support animal welfare. Our first product is a short poem like book written by a young girl that may just do that. Without guilt or anger the story takes the reader along the last trip that factory farmed pigs have to endure before having to die in the slaughterhouse. If you have a friend or a family member where you feel this message could reach their heart then you may have just found a great gift. Be aware that 20% of the profits are donated to animal protection and we proudly announce that we have collaborate with our first book with World Animal Protection (world animal We also support the mission of and the humane Please visit their webpages for a wealth of information and further ideas on how you can help to stop animal factory farming.

Enjoy don't destroy...

Lifes lived free